Sorry for the lack of updates. Between work crises, health crises and personal life crises, life has been pretty insane for me recently; fortunately things seem to be settling down and I’ve started getting back to work on my various projects, including SIFAM. So yes, the next version of SIFAM will be out, hopefully soon.
In addition to the account shortcuts feature mentioned in the last news update, this version will also add compatibility with Android 8.x (Oreo) as well as improve compatibility with Android 7.x (Nougat.) I’ve finally been able to get ahold of some test devices so that I can switch around Android versions without disturbing my main device which I play on. Plus I’ve also been working on a bunch of minor bug fixes.
In addition I’ll be doing some rewrites to the Support section of this site, in particular I will be writing up a procedure on how to root using Magisk “systemless” root, which is the generally preferred way of rooting devices running Android 5+ these days. (If you’re still running Android 4 or lower, you’ll have to use the old SuperSU method (+ Xposed and RootCloak, if you don’t want to use rootpatched APKs.)
Life hasn’t fully settled back down to normal levels for me yet, so unfortunately I can’t really commit to a release date, but rest assured I will get it out as soon as I possibly can. If you’re in the Beta Program (or if you are willing to download a Bleeding Edge release) then you’ll be able to test the new release early, as I intend to release it to the beta/bleeding edge channels a few weeks before I release it to the world.